I have a dear friend, his name is Steve Hall – he’s a kind and gentle man with love in heart so big, that yes, it exudes when he walks into a room.   You see it in his face and eyes as they sparkle.  He and his wife Sherry give of themselves daily those with special needs.  It’s been an honor and a pleasure to have met them, and yes, their beautiful family.

Their children are beautiful – Kaetlin, one of their daughters who’s picture of her family and her story are below.  Look at these faces, full of life, full of hope and full of the same love they inherited – the love for God.

And yes, it’s wonderful that together we can all know that we know that we know – God is our refuge from the troubles of life, and yes, just like the old hymn  “Rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee”,  He will do just that.  He’ll be our shelter from all storms, and yes, His power will protect us from every trap and snare.

So yes, we call on it, and yes, we use it – for the truth is, together armed with His power we can face anything and everything, for yes, it’s our place of safety where nothing can harm us – simply because, He’s our refuge and our very strength. 

Please keep this Kaetlin and her family in a whole, fervently in prayer – if you can give, please do as you are able.  This is going to be a big month for them of so many different emotions coming at them.  We know and they know – He is with us, and yes, sweet Kaetlin – He has made you strong.

We are loved by love Himself.  He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes .. love wins period.

“I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”   Psalm 91:2

#lovewinsperiod  #mindsetmatters  #prayeresforkaitlin  #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole  #healingforourfamily #unspokenprayerrequest

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