Encouragement – it goes straight to the heart.

Think about it – the word itself shouts heart. Just knowing what a difference encouragement makes in our own lives – should certainly make us want to do all we can to help others feels the same way.

To experience that same feeling of peace that it brings to ourselves.

When the going gets tough and the road feels long – it would be awesome if we could all stay mindful to remember this simple act ..

When an encouraging thought comes to mind, whether it’s in our living room or in the grocery line, we need to share it because if we don’t – it may not have the same effect.

So no – we can never let shyness or feeling silly hold us back, no way – instead, we’re going to form a new habit, and yes, we’re going to encourage each other daily.

It’s the unconditional love of God that moves us to love others -that same crazy love that gives us the courage – to encourage.
In turn – it brings on the peace for us all.

Happy International Peace Day Everybody – Let’s Do This!

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period.

“But continually encourage one another every day, as long as it is called ‘Today’ – Hebrews 3:13


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