“It’s Impossible, said pride – it’s risky, said experience – give it a try,” said the heart”

Resentments are blocks.

They hold us back from loving ourselves and others – they don’t punish the other person, they punish us – they become barriers, hardened chunks of anger.

However – they loosen up and dissolve with forgiveness and letting go – while yes – still having boundaries.

Setting boundaries is the key – even when the other side doesn’t understand.

Letting go of the toxic and staying true to ourselves, and continuing to do so, even when – others don’t have the mental health to understand, nor have the willingness to respect our position.

Sometimes we have to forgive them and we have to let them stay where they are.

The truth is – trying to drag them forward with us, when it’s not a good fit – just hurts everyone.

We have to continue to move forward, and no – we can’t move forward if we are weighed down with anger and resentment – it’s way too heavy of a load.

So we forgive and we stay on our path – leaving resentment and sometimes even friendship behind.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Ephesians 4:11

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