“I have hope and hope hasn’t failed me yet, so yes, I keep moving!”
Life can and will, as we’ve seen of late, throw the punches.   So yes, in our grand fashion, along with the way we’re made, we keep the hope, for yes, hope is all about keeping faith in God while trusting that there’s a plan for our future.
It’s when we have a sense of meaning and of purpose –  it helps us to look forward with anticipation when going through those rough spots.
The truth is, no matter what’s happening in our lives, or yes, in the lives around us – we can never lose sight of our passion, nor our vision, nor our purpose.  For yes, in reality, these are the things that give us the strength to persevere, and yes, to maintain that glorious thing called hope.
So yes, we all keep moving forward, we allow Him to lead us and guide us, trusting that wherever He places us, and yes, whatever it is He has us doing – we’re right where we’re suppose to be, and yes, that in itself – brings us much hope mixed with great peace.
My heart is gratefully full this morning for the hope that it carries, for I know, and yes, you know, that yes, we serve Love.
We are loved by love Himself.  He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes, love wins period.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”   Romans 12;12
#lovewinsperiod  #mindsetmatters  #ovelikeJesus  #foreverlove  #kaetsarmy #prayersfortheflowerdoctor  #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole  #unspokenprayerrequest

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