The Serenity Prayer – a prayer to live by.  A prayer to give us hope.  A prayer to give us strength, and yes, a prayer to share our love for one another.

Everything in this prayer directs us to a whole, for we know, that yes, God has designed us to be supportive of one another. 

We are blessed to live in this kind of community, which in turn, brings us to simpler times.  When we work together, friendships are forged, and yes, we understand and embrace the law of sowing and reaping. 

We receive what we’re willing to give.

So yes, by working together, we soon discover the simple truth – many hands make light work.

I’m personally grateful this morning for our community and the hands that it holds and the support it has given to myself, our family and our business.  

Today is a milestone for our son, Donald – we could not be more proud of what you’ve accomplished, and yes, continue to accomplish on a daily basis.  Not to mention – the growth both spiritually and mentally, along with the kindness and the overall sense of His peace that  keeps it “real”  has been a huge encouragement – to me and to so many more, in such a short amount of time.

‘To thine own self be true’ – recovery, unity and service – words to stand on, and yes, words to live by.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period

“Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2

#lovewinsperiod #manyblessings #mindsetmatters #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #lovelikeJesus #healingforourfamily #unspokenprayerrequest

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