Our internet is down this morning .. after a long drawn out call with mediacom .. I find out .. we’re going through a maintenence in our area .. and .. it’s taking a little longer than normal .. haha .. so .. I thought while I waited .. I’d clean out a closet .. yes .. I know .. it’s 6 am .. I’m not thinking too good .. and .. the more I think about going in there to the closet .. the more I think about my life and just what needs to be cleaned out of it .. haha .. my mind does drift .. but think about it .. our lives are full of things that need to be discarded .. the undesirables .. if you will .. yes .. hidden in the corners we’ll find things that just need to go .. gossip .. bitterness .. complaining .. fretting .. jealousy .. struggles .. impatience .. and .. pride .. haha .. just to name a few .. and .. just like our closets can’t straighten or clean out themselves .. we can’t by our own power .. change our lives .. no .. to bring on a solid change of heart .. we need more power .. than we as humans .. can muster up .. oh .. but friends .. there’s hope .. for we .. serve a strong and powerful God .. and it’s when .. we open our heart .. and .. allow His life changing power to come on in .. that step by step .. and .. moment by moment .. He begins a good work in us .. that’s right .. the old becomes new .. discipline is applied .. and .. priorities take on new meaning .. and yes .. while in some areas He works quickly .. others .. He moves a little slower .. sometimes .. haha .. painfully slower .. but .. we stay steadfast and mindful that .. His timing .. is always perfect .. so friends .. while standing on this truth .. let’s do this .. let’s open our hearts and allow His power to come on in .. for the bottom line .. all our closets can use a little straightening out .. and yes .. . it’s an awesome way .. to simply .. start our day .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

“I am the Lord .. the God of all mankind .. is anything too hard for me?”


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