Lighten the Load

Lighten the Load

The most difficult lesson many of us face as an adult is the unending need to survive, regardless of how broken we feel inside. It doesn’t matter if our heart is aching, if we’re mourning the loss of someone we love, or if we’re too tired to even get out...
Knowledge vs Wisdom

Knowledge vs Wisdom

We should never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One makes us a living, while the other – makes us a life. Live a good life. We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period “But the wisdom from above is...

“Agape” love – aka – “selfless love. This love most often expresses itself as a flow of compassion. And friends, compassion is like a river – it’s that gentle stream of tenderness and concern for someone else’s need, for...
Be Compassionate

Be Compassionate

I’ve lived in many places and have experienced many things in my life, and friends, the most important truth I have learned – is simply the fact, that yes – there’s nothing more costly to God than people – He loves us all equally and...


Shame – it’s just another form of addiction, a silent killer, a learned response. When we start feeling shameful – we leave ourselves and operate much like if we were all doped up Nothing clear can get in and nothing clear can come out. That’s...

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