Memorial Day .. a day set for us to remember those who have served and now serve to keep us safe and to keep us free … in a sense .. it’s a day to celebrate unconditional love .. we have veterans who have stood on the line and given their life so that we can have the freedom we have today .. we tend to forget about all the sacrifices veterans have made and their loved ones have made. .. it’s like if it’s not important and it it’s not in the news right here .. happening right now … then it’s not that big of a deal .. no .. we don’t always recognize the sacrifices that have put us in the position where we actually wake up in the morning and can breathe and say .. “I’m free” .. so friends .. today .. we get up .. we lift up and thank these men and women who serve today .. while paying our respect to those who are no longer with us .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.