‘Life’ ..  is simply .. one heartbeat from death ..  for .. you see  .. God alone ..  He gives life and sustains life .. even the ungodly live through the His gift .. for  ..  all life is in His hands .. so very grateful for my Life ..  ‘His Word’ .. whether everything around us is bright or dark ..  His Word .. it’s always the same .. whether .. young or old .. or .. health or sickness .. it’s a refuge for our heart and mind .. personally ..  I would be .. “lost’ ..  without it .. so very grateful for His Word .. ‘Salvation’ .. no matter what we’ve done .. what failures we’ve experienced .. we can turn in faith .. to Him .. and .. find salvation .. for friends ..  it’s free .. and .. it’s offered to everyone under the heavens .. that’s right .. it doesn’t depend one bit on .. wealth .. education .. good looks .. friends .. or .. influence ..  so very grateful for Salvation ..  ‘Blessings’  ..  we all have so many .. even the poorest of us have some good things .. some health .. some friends .. some food .. some clothing .. and .. some sunshine ..  oh yes .. these are the blessings we need to emphasize on more .. so very grateful for His Blessings .. ‘Trials’  .. oh yes ..  I know .. it’s hard to be thankful for trials .. but friends .. by faith we know He loves us .. and .. in that .. we can rejoice .. even in the midst of a storm .. that’s right .. so very grateful for the Trials ..  as I began to think about how grateful I am for my life today .. this is the list I discovered .. for these are the things that He has used .. to mold me and shape me .. giving me little more clarity and form .. as I grow ..  a little more grateful each day  .. for simply ..  with all the things in my life .. whether good or bad ..  I know that I know that I know .. they all serve a marvelous purpose .. ’cause friends .. the bottom line .. none of us .. ‘are where we used to be’ .. haha .. and .. none of us .. ‘are where we’re going to be’ .. so .. as we start another week .. may we all stay mindful .. and .. be grateful .. for around us are many opportunities to grow .. right on into His full purpose for our very  lives ..  where .. absolute .. freedom reigns ..  oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“Rejoice in the Lord always .. and again I say .. Rejoice .. let your moderation be known unto all men .. the Lord is at hand ..  be careful for nothing ..  but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”


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