We all want to be happy .. healthy .. and .. financially secure .. and friends .. there is nothing wrong with this .. for God Himself wants to give us the desires of our heart .. but sometimes things just don’t work as planned .. we lose a loved one .. it’s gonna happen .. for we are all simply born to die .. our kids rebel .. heck .. most of us did the same .. or .. we lose our money when the market drops .. haha .. we’ve all been there .. now .. here comes the blame .. who can we blame .. someone is surely responsible .. so many times with no one else left .. we blame God .. but the truth is .. God owes none of us anything .. this is the consistency of the Scriptures … for .. it’s normal to face difficulties in this life .. and .. the troubles that we face are simply a chance for us to trust Him even more .. every stumbling block and climbed hill only becomes a bridge to a better life .. oh no .. not in monetary terms or physical pleasure .. but in our intimacy with Him .. in those quiet moments when we need a friend and comforter .. we will always find Him .. He will be there through our difficult situations .. He will nurture us through the pain while we are slowly being transformed to the image of Christ .. and that my friends .. is the winning hand .. and nothing absolutely nothing .. can beat His stacked deck .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“God is our refuge and strength .. a very present help in trouble”


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