Yesterday was a beautiful .. and yes .. hot summer afternoon on the bay .. as we all .. over 100 people it seemed .. gathered together to remember Suzette .. the woman with the big smile .. and yes .. larger than life .. “signature laugh” .. haha .. yes .. it was indeed a beautiful day .. so many memories .. so many faces .. so much laughter .. along with the tears that follow such occasions .. my sister in law was there .. she went back as far as the college days with Suzette .. for they were roomies .. haha and ha .. those stories .. were indeed a delight to hear .. funny and witty and full of life .. was the overall remembrance of this woman throughout the day .. as I looked around and saw all the lives she had touched .. including my own .. my heart grew big .. in love .. and yes .. in sadness .. for our little community has been hit with loss after loss in the last few years .. haha .. we all wonder who we’ll be reminiscing about next .. for yes sweet friends .. many of us have reached a time in our lives where this will become the norm .. we’re all getting to the age where we’ll see our family and friends .. leaving this earth .. to take that trip .. haha .. on that good old gospel ship .. where we’ll be reunited with those gone before us .. and for that .. we’re grateful people .. for we know .. Our God .. He’s created a place for us to dwell .. together for eternity .. as people were speaking .. one by one .. Joleen told the story of the last ride to the last Bluegrass Festival she took with Suzette .. she asked her many questions on that trip .. fully taking advantage of the years of wisdom stored inside this soul .. however .. for me .. the most pointinant was her response to Joleen’s question of the ..”why’s and what’s” .. of losing so many we love .. and Suzette .. without missing a beat .. in Suzette style .. simply responsed .. ” Baby .. pain is inevitable .. suffering is Not” .. haha .. simple truth .. yes sweet friends .. it was certainly .. a day to remember .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“I have fought the good fight .. I have finished the race .. I have kept the faith”


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