It’s a brisk windy morning .. the storm is passing .. the temperature is amazing .. haha .. these are the kind of days that give us time to think .. and yes .. reflect on what’s behind us .. as well as .. the way we move ahead .. we all have battles we’re fighting .. decisions we have yet to make .. and yes .. the choice on how we’re going to handle them both .. so yes .. we spend this time quietly .. and yes .. we begin to see things in a different light .. we know  God cares deeply about our painful past experiences .. and yes .. each and every one of our current struggles .. and yes .. what we must remember is that receiving His truth while not running away from it .. is yes .. what leads to clarity .. and yes .. to victory .. haha .. our answers and reasons why may not be clear immediately .. however .. IF we will learn to place His unchanging truth well above our own experiences and feelings .. we will soon be able to experience freedom .. faith .. and yes .. a heavenly perspective way beyond what we ever thought possible .. yes sweet friends .. it’s true .. putting truth above our feelings is certainly easier said than done .. however .. when we look at things practically rather than emotionally .. when we keep our emotions under the control of His Spirit .. and yes .. to His timeless unchanging truth .. we can and will be able to face whatever it is we need to face full on .. with a sound mind .. and yes .. a heart of love  .. for yes .. we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go .. I will counsel you with my eye upon you”




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