Friends .. it’s so important .. as we move through this life we live .. to keep our spiritual core .. if you will .. strong and in tact .. haha .. if not for our own benefit .. but .. for the benefit of others .. for .. after all .. God has called us to love Him .. and yes .. to love others as we love ourselves .. haha .. therefore .. we need to stay strong and develop this core strength .. for it is then .. and only then .. we’ll have the ability .. to not only love Him .. but also .. to see ourselves as He sees us .. which is .. with love and nothing but love .. haha .. which brings on the bottom line .. if we truly love Him with all our heart .. soul .. and .. mind .. like we say we do .. then we also .. truly love ourselves .. for whom .. He has made us to be .. and .. haha .. we will always love others in the same way .. so yes .. it’s this very reason .. that it’s imperative .. that we have the right perspective of ourselves .. which we’ll simply find .. in an authentic relationship with Him .. for yes .. it is then .. and .. only then .. we’ll be able .. to truly and sincerely love others .. as we love ourselves .. haha .. no better way to start our week than with .. a whole lotta love .. so .. come on now .. let’s do this .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Above all .. keep loving one another earnestly .. since love covers a multitude of sins”

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