Friends ..  we need to give each other credit for the obstacles we’ve all overcome to get where we are right now .. haha ..  think about it .. we did the best we could with what we had at the time .. haha .. so .. in knowing this truth .. we can stop right now ..  beating ourselves up for being human .. haha .. and yes .. simply accept the good and the bad .. we must remove the emotional judgement we carry .. and yes .. see the difficulties we’ve overcome to get us to this mindset we’re in today  .. haha .. for the truth is .. God wants us to simply ..  allow compassion and forgiveness to color the lens in which we see .. not only in the lives of others .. but our lives as well ..  for friends .. it’s when we keep our perspective based on gentle compassion and nonjudgmental appreciation .. we are simply .. haha ..  able to see others .. and yes .. ourselves .. in whole new light .. His light .. the light of all lights .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Finally .. all of you .. have unity of mind .. sympathy .. brotherly love .. a tender heart .. and a humble mind”




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