Wow!! .. what a game .. haha .. I guess it was in the ninth inning I said to Bob and my granddaughter Gracyn .. simply that .. what was happening was about to make me cry .. the response I got from Gracyn .. was simply .. “don’t watch it MiMi .. look at me” .. haha .. and from Bob .. “I’m going to bed!” .. oh yes .. down and out .. ready to give up .. then what happens .. a comeback .. and yes .. a win .. “Cubbies Win!” … haha .. what a great series this has been .. and yes .. our beloved Cubs brought it home .. as I could almost hear the entire nation praying to the end .. and yes .. when I saw the faces .. full of tears of joy and laughter .. I couldn’t help but think about how God reaches down and speaks to all of us .. especially when we’re on the brink of giving up .. when we’re out of fuel .. haha .. and yes . when our tanks are empty .. we sweet friends .. always and forever have the reassurance of knowing .. without question or doubt .. He’s there to lead us to our own comeback .. haha .. for you see .. He invests in us when we’re low .. so that He .. haha .. gets a greater return when we rise .. for yes .. a comeback is a return to success .. and friends .. with Him by our side .. in all we say and in all we do .. not only will we return to the success we once may have know .. haha .. we will far far exceed it .. for simply . haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Brethren .. I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet .. but one thing I do .. forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead .. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”


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