It’s taken me a long time to totally renew my mind and to truly believe .. that just as I love my son .. my daughter .. and .. my sweet granddaughters .. for no other reason than the air that they breathe .. that God loves me .. just as I love their personalities .. their smiles .. their big hugs .. and .. their laughter .. so too does God love me .. He loves me totally and unconditionally .. simply because .. He is my Father and He made me .. for you see … He delights in all of His children .. and .. you can hang your hat on this fact .. He delights in you .. just as you are .. right where you are .. for that my friends .. is just the way He rolls .. no respecter of persons .. that’s our God .. that’s our Friend .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“The LORD your God is with you .. the Mighty Warrior who saves .. He will take great delight in you .. in His love He will no longer rebuke you .. but will rejoice over you with singing”


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