Friends .. we need to challenge our thinking this morning .. we need to develop and hang on to .. an attitude of expectancy for God to do great things .. in us and through us .. every single day .. yep .. we need to pay attention and rise up .. with a grateful heart .. for just how .. good .. loving .. kind .. and .. merciful .. He is toward us .. that’s right .. we need to fight the good fight of living a life .. where He shows Himself .. stronger than ever on our behalf .. for God .. our Maker of all things new .. has already given us the victory .. it’s ours for the taking .. so .. we simply need to grab hold of it .. and .. we need to .. rock it .. for He has blessed each of us to be a blessing .. and with this .. today and everyday .. we need to get up and get out .. with a heart full of joy and an encouraging word .. for anyone and everyone that crosses our path .. I mean .. think about it .. we could all use a little of that each day .. for the opposite .. is simply .. not flattering.. haha .. come on now .. let’s do this .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering .. for He who promised is faithful .. and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works .. not neglecting to meet together .. as is the habit of some .. but encouraging one another .. and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”




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