Jesus shed tears at the death of His friend Lazarus .. for simply .. losing a friend is never easy .. today and in the days .. and yes .. years to come .. our community will mourn the loss of our friend Kenny .. for a long time .. April .. Balder .. Kyle .. Duke .. Sam .. John .. Shelly .. Oli .. and .. so many of you .. will hear from the masses how sorry they are to hear of his passing .. we live in a place where people come and go .. the visitors who visit the Red Bar .. who have had the awesome opportunity to experience first hand .. the Banded Brotherly love of Dread Clampitt .. will never be the same once they hear the news .. for they too .. will have an emptiness in their heart in remembrance of this humble man who stood tall and sang strong .. no .. losing a friend is never easy .. but .. as we move through the process .. keeping our own sense of calmness while maintaining our friend’s memory .. we’ll begin to understand the importance of these elements in this grieving we face .. as we accept .. that this is going to be a very hard time in our lives .. we are reassured by the reality .. that we will get through .. for God is with us .. we’ll keep his memory alive in our heart .. as we do our best .. to think only on .. the good times .. recalling the fond memories we shared .. for the stories .. haha .. there will be many .. some will make us laugh .. while others will make us cry .. for friends .. it’s in times like this .. that we gather together as one .. for we are .. a bonded community .. filled with love for one another .. we lean on each other when we are weak .. and .. we lift each other up when faced with sorrow and pain .. for yes .. we sweet friends .. are a strong bunch of broken people .. constantly and forever .. Learning to Live .. and again and again .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you”


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