I’ve been blessed in my life many times over – many of these I deserved and many of them – I absolutely did not.

So yes, no matter how they come or if I deserve them – I claim those blessings.

The truth is – it’s only when we claim our blessings that we can use them to have an impact – we do this not out guilt but from pure appreciative responsibility.

Friends, our ordinary is someone else’s extraordinary.

If we have money – even if its a little and we are thankful – we can put it to use and share it. If we have a body that works, we can count ourselves fortunate and help get things done by helping others. If we have education, gifts or any kind of skill – these are gifts longing to be used.

It’s when we recognize how our life resources can be of use in the bigger picture and fully understand and acknowledge our plenty, that yes – we can make a difference with just what we have.

We have a responsibility to one another – Be Responsible.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2

#lovewinsperiod #mindsetmatters #lovelikejesus #prayingforaleks #prayingformercy #prayingforpb #lordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #gracetrumpskarms

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