One of my favorite BE words is “Teachable” – I have to remind myself daily to open my heart and mind to listen – because yes – I’ll talk over my own self much of the time.
Yet, the truth is – keeping a teachable heart is vital for knowing God more – and yes, most all of us would love to know Him more. It’s when we actively engage with Him on a regular basis, that before we know it – He’s using us.
It’s having a teachable disposition before Him, that not only blesses Him – but it also allows Him to use us in greater ways. With a teachable heart we’re able to surrender to Him fully – and yes – as we show signs of greater humility – we fully understand – that simply – His ways are not like our ways – so we must yield to Him and to His way of doing things.
Allowing Him to call the shots while we follow, for yes – it’s when we follow that we find the “more” we’re all looking for.
I’m finding in my own life that as I move through the days – He wants just that little “more” out of me – and yes – whether it’s true or not – is subjective to my own narrow minded insight.
In all honesty, we have no idea what He’s doing in someone else’s life – we’re all under the same level of conviction in one area or another.
So yes – we keep a teachable heart – we look to Him as our source of life – we never compare ourselves with others – and no – we don’t focus on what they’re doing or not doing – we just keep our eyes on the Great Teacher, and yes – we stop jumping from here, to there – and everywhere.
Friends, having a teachable heart is simply a willingness to listen to our Instructor and do what He says – and yes – the sooner the better for Him to receive highest worship – and yes – for us to experience our greatest joy.
We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning” Proverbs 9:9
#lovewinsperiod #mindsetmatters #lovelikeJesus #prayingfor peboandgrandaddy #kaetsarmylove #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #forevergrateful #teachmeyourways #healingjourney #unspokenprayerrequest #stayteachableandgrow