Almost every commandment we receive from God is accompanied by a promised blessing .. and .. our obedience to the commandments brings much freedom .. much personal growth .. much protection from danger ..  and .. so many other earthly and spiritual blessings .. and friends .. ultimately .. it’s our obedience that can lead us to eternal life in His presence ..  identifying these blessings .. not only can inspire us .. but others .. to simply .. obey the commandments .. for you see .. there was a time .. not too long ago .. I lost this .. and in doing so .. I lost so much more .. but friends .. haha .. I have to tell you ..  it doesn’t matter how far you get down .. or .. how low you may feel inside .. we always have hope .. for we serve a God who cares .. so .. with that ..  I couldn’t let this week start without sharing our story of hope ..  three years ago .. Bob and I lost our home .. yep .. we couldn’t make the payments and our home .. which we built ourselves and planned to live in until our days were up .. was gone .. a couple from Alabama bought it off the courtyard steps .. haha .. wow .. the look on our face when they knocked on our door that day .. was not only shock but an utter feeling of complete failure .. however .. the nice couple assured us .. we didn’t have to leave .. we could stay as long as we wanted .. so .. we did .. and .. we’ve paid rent faithfully to them every month since .. and .. every month we paid .. it was a reminder of the shock and yes .. the failure we felt  ..  but .. as Bob and I both have learned in life .. you have to keep moving .. so .. after falling apart for a couple of years .. almost to the point of total separation .. haha .. I personally  .. fell on my knees and made major changes .. I began focusing on my family and my God .. I gave up worrying about people liking me  .. I gave up being the center of attention .. and simply .. began to focus on those around me .. and .. what He would have me to do ..  yes friends .. sometimes .. it takes a fall .. haha .. or two .. to make you realize .. His love .. truly is the only answer to any problem ..  and in my obedience to love like Him .. the blessings began to flow again in our lives .. for you see .. a couple of weeks ago .. I went to that couple from Alabama and asked them to sell us our house back .. haha ..  although .. we had no money or means to buy it .. God had laid on my heart that this was what I was suppose to do .. for friends .. the heartache I felt every time I looked at my husband in this home he built with such pride .. and now .. now not being his .. tore me to pieces .. yet .. it was in those pieces I’ve become whole again .. and yes .. He knew exactly what it would take for that to happen .. so for the last three years .. He gave custody of our home to someone He could trust .. a faithful couple from Alabama .. they never came here one time during these years  .. they waved as we passed .. we spoke in the grocery store .. they treated us with respect in way we’d never been treated .. and friends .. today .. it’s with much gratitude and love in my heart .. I can tell you .. as of last Wednesday .. we own our home again .. haha .. yes friends .. when you think the impossible can’t happen .. please please .. never lose hope .. stay faithful to Him .. lean on Him .. share every single heartache and joy with Him .. for yes .. oh yes .. we can trust without a doubt .. again and again and again ..  oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“You did not choose me .. but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit .. fruit that will last .. and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you”


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