Someone told me once that they quit reading my posts .. simply because .. everything I wrote .. was about the person I wished I could be .. I’m sure at the time is was not meant to be nice .. for personally .. it was not a good time in my life .. but .. in spite of it .. I continued on .. while often thinking about what that person said .. and .. to be honest .. I still do today .. but .. what I didn’t do .. was stop writing .. sharing .. and .. moving forward .. you see .. I write number one .. because it keeps me steady .. to be able to express my feelings .. thoughts .. challenges .. and .. experiences .. truly does keep me walking in the present .. while steadily getting rid of the trash .. that certainly .. can and will .. hold me back .. ” if I let it” .. and you see .. when I get up in the morning and start talking to God .. I have no idea what I’m going to write .. oh .. the night before .. after a .. “day” .. haha .. I have hundreds of things on my mind that I’d like to say .. heck .. yesterday .. I was determined to write about bitterness .. oh but .. He had something else in mind .. and .. I wrote about .. “His faithfulness” .. there’s nothing planned about any of this .. that’s the beauty of Him .. and .. in the relationship I hold so dear .. so friends .. here we are .. the first day .. of the first week .. of a new year … what we gonna write about .. haha .. let’s try .. writing about the person .. we wish to be .. the faithful friend .. the loving wife or husband .. the adoring mother or father .. the one who strives to lift up those around us .. no matter who they are .. or .. what they’ve done .. loving all people .. in sprite of .. not because of .. oh yes .. for when we do this .. we become .. what He so longs for us to be .. imitators of Christ .. how wonderful it would be .. if we .. could be that person twenty four seven .. haha .. but friends .. we can’t .. no .. for by birth .. we have been fought over by sin itself .. no .. none of us are perfect .. me .. I’m so far from it .. I have to holler sometimes just to hear myself think .. oh but .. I am and you are .. beautiful and loved .. we are so loved by our God .. that He sent His Only Son to die for us .. for one reason .. to save us from ourselves .. for we .. in our sinful nature .. are capable .. of doing anything and everything wrong on earth .. for the enemy .. he’ll see to that .. haha .. if we let him .. yes friends .. we have a choice on how to act and how to move through life .. we can go north or south .. east or west .. and sometimes .. before we know it .. we’ll find ourselves in a .. “predicament” .. that we need to escape from .. and when we do .. we’ll find .. He’s always there .. waiting patiently .. to pull us back into His fold .. haha .. yes friends .. as we start this new year .. let’s get up and get out .. let’s do all we can to write our own story .. simply about .. the person we wish we could be .. for when we do this .. we will begin .. to be .. a little better each day .. while bearing His Fruit .. a whole lot more .. check check .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“But the fruit of the Spirit is .. love .. joy .. peace .. forbearance .. kindness .. goodness .. faithfulness .. gentleness .. and .. self-control.”

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