Friends .. we need to understand that every single day .. the enemy .. he’s going to throw some kind of something out in front of us with the sole intent to upset us .. and yes .. he’ll use silly things like losing our keys or getting behind a driver going 30 in a 55 mph zone .. haha .. and yes .. we get mad .. and no .. we don’t act nice .. for yes .. at that moment .. we’ve forgotten all about the “love” .. haha .. oh but friends .. what we must also remember in any situation that we face .. we have the choice to be at peace .. and yes .. in total control .. that’s right .. for no .. God .. He doesn’t create difficult situations for us .. but yes .. He sure can use them to develop our character .. for the reality is .. when we take our mind off ourselves .. and yes .. off our circumstances while putting our focus on Him while loving others .. we’re now embracing an attitude that brings Him honor .. for yes .. we know that no matter what happens in our life .. He’s simply .. working everything out for good .. so yes .. in trusting this truth .. we get up each morning with our mind set on Him .. while soaking up all the peace and joy we need to love others in a way that’s only possible .. from yes .. knowing Him .. for His love is BIG .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Have I not commanded you? .. Be strong and courageous .. do not be terrified .. do not be discouraged, .. for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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