True Friendship

True Friendship

True friendship softly says “I’ll be there”, then yes, steps in with sensitivity, with love, with respect and with understanding. We all know that ‘need’ rarely throws a party. It rarely even has a voice. ‘Need’ has its own...
Truth Tells Us

Truth Tells Us

We’ve all made many mistakes in our past, for me – there have been so many. I don’t even know where to start. They’ve ranged all over the board – yet regardless of how severe or minor they have been or how much they have affected my...


With so much tragedy in life – choosing humor instead of despair is certainly good advise. Humor generally involves the acceptance of the ups and downs of life, along with the determination not to take ourselves too seriously. To combat stress, to relieve...
Art is Life

Art is Life

Everything in life is art and art is life. What we do, how we dress, the way we love someone and how we talk. Our smile and personality, what we believe in, coupled with all of our hopes and dreams. How we decorate our home or party, how we write our grocery list...


Forgiving someone is one thing – quite another to receive him or her back into our hearts on a more intimate level than before the offense. Full forgiveness where it is fully undeserved can be quite the challenge, yet – this is exactly the kind of...
Healthy Mindset

Healthy Mindset

As we’re travelling along our journey, we can only hope that when it’s all said and done – we’ve made a positive impact on those who’ve crossed our path. One of the best ways we can do this is to take responsibility for ourselves, while...

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