Friends .. there’s no fear in love .. and yes .. we all have the choice as to whether we want to live in one or the other .. for love is to look for the best in ourselves .. in others .. and yes .. in life itself .. where fear is the choice to believe in the worst .. and the truth is .. to choose to believe for the best is not hard .. we simply believe that God is good and what He does is good .. that’s right .. we believe that He responds to our positive attitudes and actions .. and no .. please don’t misunderstand .. by doing this does not discard the pain .. the sorrow .. and yes .. the disappointments that sometimes comes with life .. however .. it does mean we can choose to move beyond the limiting and fearful view of how life works .. and yes .. learn to practice the kind of optimism that opens the doors of opportunity change and blessings .. so yes .. we must always choose love .. we must choose to face our fears and go for our dreams .. and then .. we make the choice to choose the process even when we don’t have the answers .. for yes sweet friends .. choosing love is an act of courage .. and yes .. He’s equipped each and every one of us with this mighty act down deep in our heart .. for yes yes yes .. it all boils down to a simply choice .. and yes .. we know that we know that we know .. again and again and again .. we’ve found .. that yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“There is no fear in love .. but perfect love casts out fear .. for fear has to do with punishment .. and whoever fears has not been perfected in love”

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