It was a beautiful evening .. our family and friends gathered together to .. haha .. just be together .. and yes .. to celebrate that good old fashioned Christmas love .. haha .. oh yes .. our family .. we’re blessed beyond measure to have the people we do in our lives .. last night our GBC peeps gathered at our house .. we had food .. we had drink .. we had secret santa .. christmas carols .. cookie decorating .. basically.. a whole lot of love in one place and time .. haha .. as I sat with my sweet granddaughter on my lap and looked around at each of those faces in the room .. the different “perfect” personalities .. my heart grew big .. wide .. and yes .. very tall .. the new friends .. the full circle friends .. and yes .. my sweet family .. haha .. to be honest .. it makes me wonder .. haha .. how in the world did we get so blessed .. and yes .. every time that thought crosses my mind .. it always goes to the One .. who yes .. makes it all happen .. haha .. for friends .. if you’re like me .. we’ve had our battles .. we’ve not always been the nicest around .. nor have we always done the right things .. Lord knows .. I’ve made my share of bad decisions and mistakes along the way .. but you know .. no matter what .. God .. He’s always been there .. and yes .. no matter what .. He always will be .. for the truth is .. when we shift our focus away from ourselves .. and yes .. place it where it needs to be .. and no .. it doesn’t matter when we do this .. for .. any time is a good time for .. haha .. “focus shifting” .. it is then .. life changes right before our very eyes .. each day we see a little clearer .. the blurry lines become fewer and farther between .. and yes .. this all happens .. simply because .. He loves us big .. it doesn’t matter where we come from .. or even what we’ve done .. there’s room at the Cross for us all .. for friends .. what we have to remember in this life we live .. is simply .. each and every one of us are made in His image .. we’re His children .. children of the Most High .. and yes yes yes .. that’s a pretty big darn deal .. haha .. one night of family and friends gathered together .. makes for a beautiful way to celebrate His love during this very season of .. ‘LOVE’ .. so yes .. again and again .. and yes .. again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works .. not neglecting to meet together .. as is the habit of some .. but encouraging one another .. and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”

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