Disappointment feels like a heavy rock sinking to the bottom of our spirit.
The heaviest of disappointments seem to always stem from people, and no, not just any people – nine times out of ten – it’s from the people we’re closest to.
We’ve all tried different ways to handle disappointments in the past. One was to ignore the disappointment, to shut it in a box and hope the lid holds – another way is to gloss over it with a quick statement such as, “People will let you down, but God never will.”
And yes, although it’s true, it doesn’t help the process of the hurt that we feel – yet It’s in our quiet time as we pour out our sadness – it’s when we beg God to show up because what we’re doing is not working, that yes – we can hear Him clear as a bell say “grieve”
Grieving is the bridge we have to cross to move beyond the disappointment – on the other side we’ll find ourselves in a place where we can embrace the situation for what it is, and no, not what it’s not – It’s only after we’ve allowed ourselves to grieve, that we’ll know how to respond in the way God wants us to respond.
It’s then, and yes, only then that the words, “People will let you down, but God never will,” – will be truly comforting, and no, not just empty statement.
We can be thankful this morning to know that when no one else understands, He does – so yes, we seek His guidance in handling our pain, while yes, trusting that only He, can and will – bring good out of everything we go through.
We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes -love wins period.”
Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge” Psalm 62:8
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