As most of you know .. I’m a big Eric Lindell fan .. I love his music .. I love the way it makes me feel .. and .. if he’s is playing close by .. I’m gonna get there .. and .. I’m gonna dance .. haha .. and .. that’s what I did last night .. it was a big night of dancing fun .. and now .. as I sit here this morning .. seeking the Lord and what He has for me today .. sharing with Him the fun I had last night .. haha .. as if He doesn’t already know .. yet .. still loves to hear me talk .. I’m actually finding it easy to imagine .. Him dancing too .. haha .. I can see Him .. in His incredible light .. spinning around with great energy and joy .. full of His Glorious Self .. that’s right .. He doesn’t even need music .. for .. He is the Music .. haha .. I can barely sit still just thinking about it .. oh but friends .. I can also picture this .. Him taking me by the hand for a slow dance .. holding me close to Him .. so close .. that I can hear His strong heartbeat .. for .. I believe .. that’s how close He wants us to be to Him .. He wants you and I .. to hear .. His heart beating with love for us .. that steadfast love .. that He so graciously gives .. for simply .. “He is Love” .. and with that knowledge .. there’s no better reason to dance .. so .. let’s get up people .. and .. dance before the Lord with all our might .. for He is so very worth of our honor and of our praise .. every minute of every second of every day .. that’s right .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Let them praise His name with dancing .. making melody to Him with tambourine and lyre”

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