I’m thinking about dandelions this morning .. actually they’ve crossed my mind often .. you know  .. those deeply rooted little yellow flowers that need no pampering or special attention .. yet they always seem to bloom profusely .. haha .. popping up in fields .. in lawns .. even between the cracks in the sidewalk .. as well as .. in the very best of neighborhoods in town .. we totally can’t contain them  .. haha .. which has me thinking .. that yes .. this is the way we should live our own lives .. our sunny faces should be a reminder that simple faith has deep roots that are impossible to dislodge .. we should be easily accessible just like the dandelion .. just like Jesus .. haha .. so yes .. with that thought in mind .. let’s get out of our gardens .. and yes .. jump across those boundaries that keep us where we can be found .. shining our sunny yellow faces in all the spots that need a little brightening up .. in that crack in the sidewalk .. or .. the lawn of the country club .. for yes sweet friends ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“For I have given you an example ..that you also should do just as I have done to you”


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