Friends .. we’re all addicts in some form or fashion .. whether it be .. drugs .. alcohol .. anger .. self righteousness .. or .. just plain .. carrying around pain .. that we simply .. won’t let go off .. yes .. most of us are there .. or .. have been there .. but friends .. what we need to remember .. is simply .. sobriety from anything .. simply means .. embracing reality .. haha .. and friends .. there’s nothing that shoves painful reality in our faces .. like addiction .. yes .. our addictions .. they get worse the more we try to manage them .. they get stronger .. so strong .. they become totally unavoidable .. we can tell ourselves lies .. but addiction .. it screams the truth .. “we’re not in control” .. haha .. no way .. and yes .. we’ll fight it .. until we’re forced to finally face this reality .. for .. we’ll see .. our broken lives are ample proof .. that simply .. we can’t escape pain .. nor .. can we fix ourselves .. think about it .. if we follow the trail of wreckage from all our futile efforts .. we’ll see .. it leads us to one place .. that’s right .. it leads us to .. a loving God who offers what’s always been ours .. and .. that’s simply.. Himself .. yes .. He’s the water that quenches the raging thirst inside all of us .. the love we looked for everywhere else .. simply could not be found .. for all the while .. He was with us .. waiting for us to fall .. so He .. could reach down and pull us out of our pain and out of our misery .. we all know the truth in our heart .. our addictions wreck us .. but in His hands .. we’re certainly not .. wrecked for life .. so we come .. drunk .. hungover .. or .. high .. we come .. angry .. self righteous .. or .. ashamed .. we come .. hurting .. or .. lonely .. whatever it is .. we can no longer make promise after promise we can’t keep .. so .. we come .. haha .. and friends .. the funny thing is .. we don’t have to go far .. no .. for He’s right here with us .. all we have to do .. is nod in His direction .. or .. open our hand .. and then .. ahh yes .. feel the flow of His spirit as it enters those doors of our hearts .. that we’ve kept closed for all these years .. no friends .. we no longer have to try to perfect ourselves .. because He .. has given us the gift of His perfection to call our own .. we can now rest .. in His ever present loving care .. we can stop running from the pain .. for now .. we’ve discover .. it’s in our pain .. that we will encounter Him in the most profound and significant ways .. all we have to do .. is come to Him .. for friends .. that’s where the transformation begins .. in His very presence .. we’re made whole .. healthy and free from the sorrows we’ve buried so deep within .. all we have to do is trust Him .. for we know .. He always finishes what He starts .. and .. we understand .. our transformation .. is simply .. a side benefit of walking in union with Him .. it happens gradually .. little by little .. we trade the pain of not changing .. for .. the lesser pain .. of changing … haha .. oh yes .. it all happens in time .. He’ ll bring peeps in our lives to help us .. and .. He’ll bring peeps in our lives .. for us to help .. for in the end .. the reality is .. transformation is a gift .. never an achievement .. and friends .. it’s our job to share this gift .. that He’s so graciously given each of us .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

“Beloved .. we are God’s children now .. and what we will be has not yet appeared .. but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him .. because we shall see him as He is”


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