The unexpected in a time of uncertainties can hit us hard. The disappointments of life along with people, can and will take it’s toll during times like these.
However, when we lay our head down in the evenings, and yes, we look back at each moment of the day – we’ll see the hits, and yes, we’ll see the triumphs and kindness that surround us.
We’re in a time we’ve not experienced before – so yes, we pray, and yes, we forgive. This is what takes us to that place where peace resides.
As we go into our day, we can all be reminded of what we know to be true – we are strong group of people – we are strong in love, we are strong in prayer and we are strong in perseverance.
We don’t stop when someone is in need, for yes – we know and we’ve seen what the power of prayer can do. There are so very many prayer warriors right here in our own stopping grounds – and not only that – there are many people across the country that are praying right at this very moment – for each and everyone of us.
So yes, in reality – everyday is a glorious day.
We can rest easy this morning in knowing that we do in fact serve a God who hears our cry for mercy and grace and He loves us.
He loves us right here and right now – no matter our condition, nor our state of mind.
So we continue to pray, and yes – we continue to lift each other up.
For we know that we know that we know – that one positive thought, and yes, that one plea for relief for a friend or loved one – is indeed heard.  And no, we may not know how or when the answer will come, but we do know without a doubt it will come.
Good will prevail in the end – we’re bonded together, lifting one another up – through the thick and the thin, through the ups and the downs, and yes, even through the hurt and pain we may feel inside.
This is who we are and this is what we do, simply because – there’s no force on this earth that can stop us from loving one another the way that we do. It’s a Jesus kind of love, and with this kind of love, we know without a doubt, that He has, He can, and yes, He will bring us through anything and everything that comes our way.
We simply hang on for the ride – we watch His miraculous hand take hold, and yes, we watch the miracles unfold.
We are love by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18
#lovewinsperiod #mindsetmatters #lovelikeJesus #easteriscoming #resurrectionsunday #kaetsarmy #healingjourney #prayingfortommy #warriorwyatt #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #healingforourfamily #unspokenprayerrequest

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