Friends .. each life that we pass .. each face that we see .. and yes .. each heart that moves us .. simply gives our own lives .. “meaning” .. haha .. that’s right .. every encounter in each and every day .. brings us closer to being the person .. God intended us to be .. haha .. if we allow it .. if we pay attention .. if we use wisdom .. and yes .. haha .. if we open ourselves up to simply .. learn from one another .. haha .. you see .. I fought most of my life to not allow it .. oh yes .. I was on my own mission .. I knew what I was doing .. haha .. as so many of us do .. haha .. but friends .. it’s when we decide that what He says is real .. and yes .. it’s truth for our unsettled soul .. we’re able to back ourselves up .. and yes .. simply give it up .. for now .. haha .. we’re able to soak up the goodness of those around us .. we’re able to grow and learn .. and yes .. simply find .. that perfect peace and contentment .. you know .. that warm feeling that lays on us like a soft cuddly blanket .. haha .. for now .. there’s no doubt in our mind .. that He’s the One .. that covers us and protects us .. with His perfect and unconditional love .. haha .. oh what grateful souls we must be .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“From whom the whole body .. joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped .. when each part is working properly .. makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love”

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