I love having a real relationship with the Lord .. I love the fact that when we feel lonely or we’re just plain tired .. haha .. He’s always there to listen .. to pick us up .. and yes .. to motivate us to keep moving .. He’s a good friend .. and yes .. He loves us all so very big .. and yes .. it’s when we close our eyes and think about our many blessings .. haha .. in spite of the ups and downs that this life brings .. we can see His very face .. and yes .. we can clearly hear His voice .. for yes sweet friends .. it’s when we learn to rest in His greatness and grace that we become free .. free to make the wonderful choices that will transform our life from one of anxiety and chaos .. to yes .. one filled with an overwhelming amount of joy .. along with .. that sweet and perfect peace .. for yes friends .. it’s when we focus on the “essentials” in life .. that all else.. haha .. just seems to fall right into place .. therefore finding again .. that yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“God dwells in that city .. it cannot be destroyed .. from the very break of day .. God will protect it”

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