Okay ..  let’s be summer gulf  clear ..  we know that God works everything in our lives for our .. “good” .. no .. this doesn’t always mean that everything will be totally pleasant .. nor does it mean .. a life of only happiness .. the .. “good” ..  we’re looking at   .. although not totally defined .. yet .. certainly understood .. is a spiritual and eternal .. “good”  .. for ..  you see ..  He uses everything .. and often .. the difficult things .. to remake us and transform us into the likeness of His very Son .. wow .. think about it .. everything that happens to us ..  the easy .. the difficult .. the grief .. the pain .. and .. yes .. even the joy .. has one purpose .. to make us more like Jesus ..  double wow .. I don’t know about you .. but me .. I’m striving for that goal ..  oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“And we know that for those who love God .. that is .. for those who are called according to His purpose .. all things are working together for good”


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