We talk about forgiveness and how vital it is to our daily walk .. however .. many of us seem to skip over the concept of forgiving ourselves .. haha .. believe it or not .. it’s as equally important and even more vital .. to be sure that we’ve forgiven ourselves .. as it is that we’ve forgiven others .. for you see .. unforgiveness .. it brings total bondage into our lives .. it doesn’t matter if it’s toward God .. others .. or .. ourselves .. simply put .. bitterness .. the fruit of unforgiveness .. is a means by which we are poisoned .. friends .. we must understand .. regardless of what we’ve done in our pasts .. and I do mean .. “regardless” .. it’s absolutely vital that we forgive ourselves from everything behind us that we are ashamed of .. think about it .. If God Himself chose to forget our sins for His sake .. then we need to do the same .. His Word states that He actually has removed our sins from us .. so .. when we are constantly beating ourselves up .. aka .. false guilt .. we are simply opening the door to let the enemy pull us .. down .. down .. down .. haha .. been there .. done that .. people .. we must change the way we see things .. our thinking .. always needs to line up with His Word .. for .. it’s then .. we are in the safe zone .. bottom line .. when we associate ourselves with our past failures .. after His Word has assured us that they have been removed from us .. then we aren’t truly believing what He says .. that’s right .. we need to get our heads straight and understand the truth .. if He says our past failures have been removed .. then we need to take Him at His Word .. simply believing .. exactly what it has to say .. oh yes I know .. sometimes things are easier said than done .. however .. when we allow ourselves to be wrapped in His love .. feeling His warmth down deep in our soul .. we get it and we know .. He is Truth .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period​

“As far as the east is from the west .. so far hath he removed our transgressions from us”



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