Friends .. we’re all born to be free .. for it’s simply .. our gift from God .. no .. we’re not free from responsibility .. however .. we are free to be led by His Spirit .. haha .. that’s right .. and yes .. anytime our freedom is taken or given away .. we get mad .. and .. we experience that ugly feeling of anger .. haha .. and with that ..we now know .. we have a decision to make .. and that decision .. is whether or not we’re willing to go through whatever is necessary .. to obtain that freedom He so graciously wants us to have .. or simply .. stay in the mess we’re in for the rest of our lives .. for you see .. we all have baggage from the past .. we all carry anger .. hurt .. and .. frustration .. most of us .. simply don’t even understand some of what happened .. and yes .. we’re still angry .. and yes .. even hurt about it .. haha .. but friends .. we can be free from that anger and pain .. the catch .. haha .. we have to want to be .. and then .. we have to start doing what He wants us to do .. one step at a time .. and yes yes yes .. it’s then .. we’ll simply find .. ourselves walking right out of that old mess .. for the truth is .. when that old hurt and anger shows it’s ugly face .. we need to recognize .. it’s simply .. that crafty old enemy doing all he can .. to keep us from accomplishing the wonderful purpose .. He has set for us .. haha .. and friends .. we’re not going to let that happen .. no way .. so .. when that old anger and pain rears it’s ugly head .. we’ll stay calm .. and yes .. we’ll stay on His course .. haha .. bottom line .. we can be bitter or better .. that choice is ours .. so .. instead of letting that old mess ruin our lives .. we’ll turn it in to something good .. yes sweet friends .. we’ll overcome it .. simply by .. praying for those who’ve hurt and abused us .. we’ll forgive them .. and when possible .. we’ll be a blessing to them .. oh .. haha .. it won’t always easy .. but .. when we decide that’s what we’re going to do .. and then .. stick with it .. haha .. He’ll do what He does best .. and simply .. take care of all the rest .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“And you will know the truth .. and the truth will set you free”

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