Yesterday my friend Judy and I came over to Apalachicola for a wine tasting dinner at the Gibson Inn .. we recently became friends with Peter .. Cookie .. and Jared .. the father .. mother.. and son team who own Elite Worldwide Imports .. they’re delightful people .. and yes .. we’ve come to enjoy their company over the last few months .. so yes .. when they invited us over .. how could we say no .. haha .. being in the food business myself I must say the Chef outdid himself .. the staff was great and it was an overall nice evening .. after dinner we sat on the porch of this old Inn and visited .. there were many locals with us and we listened to tales of the island and how it used to be .. and yes .. how it is now .. same stories we hear everywhere we go .. different time .. different location .. we all seem to find ourselves reminiscing about the days gone by when we gather .. we talk about the good times .. tell stories of the past .. and yes .. many times share our dreams of the future .. haha .. I find myself talking about my family .. haha .. my granddaughters in particular these days .. for yes .. life is good .. and yes .. family makes us whole .. so yes .. as I sit here this morning thinking about last night .. and yes .. the day ahead .. my heart is full .. for friends .. it’s when we come to the true understanding that loving others is the only way to keep the God kind of life flowing through us .. haha .. we also understand what a gift His love is to us .. for yes .. it’s in us .. and yes .. we need to let it out through words and actions .. for when it’s left dormant .. it’ll stagnate like a pool of water with no outlet .. haha .. for the truth is .. the act of loving others with His kind of love is indeed one of the most exhilarating things we’ll experience along our journey .. think about it .. the feeling of excitement stirring in our soul when we do something or say something to make someone else feel loved or cared for is a wonderful feeling .. and yes .. I got to experience that kind of love from the people around me last night .. so yes .. as I sit here this morning thinking on the evening we had .. I feel loved .. and yes .. grateful for that love .. for it’s true .. people loving people is the way He intended it to be .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“And now these three remain .. faith .. hope and love .. but the greatest of these is love”

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