Friends .. I’m here to tell you .. simply .. not one of us is perfect .. that’s right .. we all make mistakes .. that never fails .. and yes .. it’s frustrating .. haha .. but .. the good news .. when God’s Spirit lives within us .. we won’t be comfortable with our mistakes .. simply because .. His nature is now at work in us .. haha .. oh yes .. the enemy .. He wants us to feel like we have done something so wrong .. that even God is mad at us .. but friends .. that’s a joke .. for simply .. he is a liar .. that we know .. and .. this tale is so far from the truth .. it can’t even wag .. for the truth is .. God is Love .. and .. we simply .. need to humbly accept .. His love and His grace .. it’s that simple .. bottom line .. it’s when we humble ourselves before Him .. while understanding that everything good in our lives .. is by His grace .. that we’re now .. open and ready for His help .. haha .. so when we’re frustrated and confused .. we simply .. let Him help .. we talk to Him .. we open our hearts and minds to Him .. and .. we get His help .. for friends .. the key is humility .. His Word tells us just that .. haha .. and friends .. in knowing this .. we can solely trust .. that whatever it is we’re called to do .. He’ll give us the tools to do it .. we’ll actually be able to do His will while living a life .. haha .. frustration free .. yes oh yes .. “amazing grace .. how sweet the sound .. that saved a wretch like me” .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“But He gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires .. as the Scriptures say .. “God opposes the proud but favors the humble””





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