Friends .. we all struggle with the impulse to critique .. to deconstruct .. and yes .. to dismantle .. we write people off so easily .. and yes .. we assume the worst .. haha .. personally I’ve found that most of the time we can be our own worst enemy .. for the truth is .. we see those sharp edges that need softening .. however .. we tend not to look our own way .. but we must .. for it’s when we do that we’ll realize .. every problem has the same answer .. “more grace” .. for yes sweet friends .. this is the answer to heal our hurting hearts .. to mend our broken relationships .. and yes .. to sooth that inner turmoil that we carry so well .. haha .. yes .. grace is the grease that will fix the machine of humanity .. it’ll keep it going rather than grinding to a halt for lack of mercy .. for it’s true .. we are our brothers keeper .. it’s the way Jesus came .. it’s what saved our souls .. and yes .. it’s our job as human beings to lift each other up .. and yes .. to share each others burdens .. so with that being said .. and yes .. in our attempt to be what we hope to be for Him .. let’s stay mindful of this truth .. grace is the beginning of freedom .. and no .. there’s not a corner on this earth that doesn’t need more of it .. so yes .. we get up .. we get out .. and yes .. we let grace shine .. for yes yes yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Bear one another’s burdens .. and so fulfill the law of Christ”

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