I’m grateful this morning for God’s grace .. it’s totally amazing .. and friends .. it’s when we receive His grace .. then .. walk in it .. that .. we begin to fully experience His peace .. for simply .. there are a few things about grace we need to understand .. it can’t be earned .. haha .. for .. it’s simply .. Him doing for us .. what we can’t do for ourselves .. and .. it doesn’t kick in .. until we stop.. struggling and trying .. to do it on our own .. that’s right .. for .. the Bible tells us .. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” .. and .. the “humble” .. are we .. who are willing to admit .. our total inability to succeed without His help .. oh .. but .. the “proud” .. are we .. who are always trying to take credit .. yes .. we tend to think it’s our own ability that gets the job done .. haha .. therefore .. we find it difficult to ask for His grace .. and .. even more difficult .. receiving it .. friends .. the truth is .. we must grow in grace .. for … we only learn to trust Him .. by trusting Him.. haha .. yes .. we grow in grace by taking Him at His Word .. counting on His gracious care each day .. and .. His perfect intervention in situations that are difficult or impossible for us to deal with .. and please .. trust me when I say .. they’ll never be a day .. when we don’t need His grace .. yes .. it’s when we’re willing to acknowledge we need it .. and .. receive it by faith .. that we find .. there’s no shortage of it .. that’s right .. for now .. we trust in His power .. for .. He is mighty to do .. whatever we need Him to do to help us .. do our part .. for .. we now .. trust in His wisdom .. for .. He knows .. what .. when .. and .. how .. to do it .. and .. we now .. trust in His goodness .. for .. He longs to do it all .. haha .. and that my friends .. is .. downright totally amazing .. in itself .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“For it is by grace you have been saved .. through faith .. and this is not from yourselves .. it is the gift of God .. not by works .. so that no one can boast”


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