Our lives are all about letting go .. and yes .. growing forward .. haha .. and yes .. the hardest part of growing is letting go of what we’re used to .. and yes .. moving on with something we’re not .. oh but friends .. we can’t allow ourselves to worry wonder or doubt .. no .. we must keep the faith and know that everything will work out .. haha .. so yes .. we laugh at the confusion .. we live consciously in the moment .. and yes .. we enjoy our life as it unfolds .. and no .. haha .. we may not end up exactly where we intended to be .. but yes .. we can count on being exactly where God needs us to be ..  so yes .. we follow His lead .. and yes .. we trust and embrace the change before us .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Have I not commanded you? .. be strong and courageous .. do not be frightened .. and do not be dismayed .. for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”




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