Grace .. it’s not a big word .. but .. it’s a word packed full of meaning .. and .. it’s something that just doesn’t come naturally to most of us .. simply because .. it’s basically unmerited favor .. yep .. that’s right .. we .. each one of us are to look on other people the same way God does .. with grace .. haha .. I laugh .. not because it’s funny .. no .. but because .. I don’t always do this myself .. and that .. makes me feel ashamed and very sad .. for .. the truth is .. we’re never ever suppose to look at what people deserve based on what they’ve done .. for .. if that were the case .. I’d be ten foot under .. haha .. oh but .. that sweet friends .. simply isn’t an issue as far as God is concerned .. no way .. so .. we must do all we can .. to learn to love as He loves .. and friends .. His love goes hand in hand with grace .. His love is unconditional .. just as grace is unconditional .. and friends .. it’s when we’re able to look at people the way He does .. that we can be .. the most effective in what we do for Him .. and yes .. in order to be able to do that .. we simply .. have to have help .. we must choose the “want to” .. and then .. “ask” Him for the help we need .. yes .. it’s so true .. to love unconditionally is pretty much impossible .. for the world .. it doesn’t reward us unless we’ve earned it .. this is the way most of us were taught .. and we .. you and I .. need to take hold .. and remove ourselves from this ugly worldly way .. haha .. for He .. Our God .. is a consuming fire .. He’s not joking people .. He has things for us to do .. and friends .. He’s totally serious about what that is .. so .. let’s do this .. let’s hop aboard His ride .. with willing hearts and open minds .. for it’s time to see .. for ourselves .. up close and personal .. just where He plans to take us .. bottom line .. we know that we know that we know .. we can trust .. whole heartedly and without a doubt .. it’s gonna be worth the ride .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
” But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .. to Him be the glory both now and for ever .. Amen”

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