Friends .. our best and most effective problem solving resource is peace .. that’s it .. for simply .. when we’re in a peaceful state of mind .. haha .. solutions to everything we’re experiencing will come naturally .. and yes .. easily .. the problem is .. we tend to let fear and anxiety block solutions .. while giving power to the problem at hand .. for the truth is .. when we harbor unrest .. it absolutely doesn’t help .. and yes .. the crazy thing about all of this .. is simply .. peace .. haha .. it’s available to every single one of us .. if we choose it .. that’s right .. for yes .. our God .. He waits patiently for us to reach out and grab hold of that perfect peace that He so graciously offers to all of us .. you know that feeling .. haha .. the one where we know that no matter what happens in life .. in spite of all the chaos and turmoil around us .. all is well .. for we know that we know that we know .. with Him at the helm .. we can relax and let ourselves feel this peace .. trusting one hundred percent that timely solutions .. and yes .. grace will come when we simply .. haha .. let go .. so yes .. again and again and again .. we can hang our hat on this fact .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
” I have said these things to you .. that in me you may have peace .. in the world you will have tribulation .. but take heart .. I have overcome the world”

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