I love the fact that God completely understands us .. and yes .. I love that He’s fully aware of our humanness .. haha ..  that’s right .. He knows all our faults .. fears .. failures .. and  yes .. even our frustrations ..  and no .. He doesn’t expect any of us to be Superman or Superwoman .. He doesn’t wait for us to become mature enough to love us .. no friends .. He loves us at every stage of growth  .. and .. haha .. non growth of our lives .. and friends .. because of this simple truth .. we simply .. don’t have to carry any unresolved guilt .. or .. any unrealistic expectations .. for yes .. the truth is .. there’s nothing that we’ll ever do .. to make Him loves us any more than He does right now .. nor .. is there anything that we’ll ever do .. to make Him love us any less than He does right now .. haha .. bottom line .. His love is unconditional .. and it’s simply .. not based on what we do .. or .. on what we don’t do .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“For by grace you have been saved through faith .. and this is not your own doing .. it is the gift of God”




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