Friends .. hope is on my mind this morning .. haha .. many think that hope is an emotion .. but it’s not  ..  no .. hope is a discipline .. it’s a simple decision to believe in God’s reality and strength even when things around us are in turmoil and chaos ..  haha .. oh yes .. such a small little word that gives us the power to turn to Him .. and yes .. to live on His promises .. the promises that we know in our hearts to be true .. so no matter the day .. the week  .. or yes .. even the year that we may be having .. we stay strong  ..  that’s right .. and yes .. we rock on  .. and yes .. we do this while keeping a daily mindset on Him and His ways  .. for yes .. He has instilled in each one of us that sense of hopefulness .. and yes .. gratitude is the key that unlocks the door .. for the truth is .. any one of us can hide .. but yes .. it’s facing up to things .. and yes .. working through them that makes us strong .. so yes sweet friends .. we stand on faith .. we live with hope .. and yes ..  we walk in love .. for yes ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Rejoice in hope .. be patient in tribulation .. be constant in prayer”



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