Friends .. our lives are not meant to be lived in an “ordinary” existence .. no way .. for the truth is .. following our heart and satisfying our soul’s desire is the foundation to living a life that works .. haha .. that’s right .. for yes .. God speaks to us through our heart and soul and we need to pay attention .. so .. with the new adoption of .. “if it’s not a ‘hell yes’ .. it’s a ‘no'” .. haha .. we can say a “hell yes” to things that satisfy us .. and yes .. we can say a flat out “no” to things that don’t .. we can allow our minds to run free .. to daydream .. and yes .. even to do nothing but sit in silence .. which is turn .. allows us to more easily hear His guidance that leads us to living a purposeful life .. oh .. some may call this selfish .. some may leave us .. but friends .. when we’ve become happier and a joy to be around .. others living a life that works will be drawn to us .. for now .. we’re living the life we were all born to live .. haha .. right on in His incredibly awesome flow .. for yes .. He loves us big .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again .. the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life”

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