Compassion .. we are to “clothe” ourselves in it .. rather than simply satisfying our own selfish desires .. for friends .. we are called to meet the needs of others .. just as we are comforted through His Word and through other people .. we in turn .. are to direct that same mercy to others .. no way are we allowed .. to hoard His love .. haha .. no .. we should be bursting at the seams with the good news of His compassion to all .. think about it .. we can’t allow ourselves to be one of those stuffy people .. you know .. ‘so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good’ .. feeling sorry for those who are different or in need .. but yet .. never doing a single thing about it .. no way .. for friends .. we are made in His image .. and .. we are to be .. imitators of Christ .. so really .. think about it .. Jesus .. He could have met the needs of so many .. simply by forming a thought .. or .. speaking a word .. but He didn’t .. His compassion caused Him to come to earth .. not only to live and die among us … but also to touch lepers .. the blind .. as well as .. take all those little children in His arms .. for friends .. true compassion is a personal active involvement that expresses His merciful heart in words and deeds .. wow .. paraphrased and true .. so friends .. it’s the perfect time of year to get our .. compassion on .. that’s right .. lift someone up .. reach out to those in need .. loving each other like Jesus .. for .. it’s a new day .. to put the old in it’s place .. and .. pick up the new .. grab hold of that wonderful glorious feeling of letting go .. and .. being all we can be for Him .. yes sweet friends .. it’s a new day .. let’s do this .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
” Therefore .. as God’s chosen ones .. holy and loved .. clothe yourselves with compassion .. kindness .. humility .. meekness .. and .. patience”

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