Friends ..  I can assure you this morning .. and yes .. every day to follow that whatever it is the enemy has tried to take away from us ..  we can believe one hundred percent that God wants to restore it .. and not only that .. haha .. He wants to make it bigger and better than it was before .. for yes .. that’s the kind of Father that He is .. so yes .. as we face our choices put before us each day .. we can allow ourselves to be tempted to get hurt .. get wounded .. or yes .. even get depressed .. and yes .. we can even sit around and complain .. haha .. both of which will only keep us in the same miserable condition .. or .. we can simply praise Him .. and yes .. be lifted up .. for you see .. the first thing the enemy wants to steal from us is our joy .. he wants us to be pitiful .. and yes .. he wants us to be sad and oppressed .. and friends .. it’s when we allow him to do this that we’ll lose our joy .. and yes .. in turn we lose our strength .. and no .. we cannot nor will not allow that to happen .. for we are made strong .. so no .. we don’t lay around in sorrow .. we get up .. we get out .. we don’t allow what others say control us .. for yes .. we control our own destiny .. and no .. not everyone will be thrilled about us .. haha .. but that’s okay .. for we belong to Him the One who created us .. and yes .. He likes us just fine .. haha .. so with this truth ..  we tap into that joy .. we hang with Him .. for yes .. it’s in His very presence that we come out with a new spring in our step .. and yes .. a new song in our heart .. haha .. bottom line .. the more we hang with Him the more we take on His ways .. and yes .. the more we take on His ways .. the more joy we have within .. for yes .. always and forever ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Though you have not seen Him .. you love Him .. though you do not now see Him .. you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory .. obtaining the outcome of your faith .. the salvation of your souls”


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