Cinco de Mayo, a day to celebrate the Latino heritage and culture.
Today will bring the usual celebratory fare which will include nachos, salsa, chips, guacamole, and yes, enchiladas. All washed down by either a Corona or maybe a nice frozen Margarita.
Today commemorates the surprise victory of the Mexican army over the French in 1862 in the state of Puebla, and yes, while we in the States celebrate today more than they do in Mexico, it’s a great opportunity for us to honor their heritage, for yes – one of our biggest blessings and challenges in our country is its great diversity.
That diversity is spread across faith traditions, ethnicities, sexual orientation, income, abilities, and yes, class – yet, we as Believers simply know that ALL are precious in God’s sight – Just like we sang growing up.”Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow black or white, we are precious in His sight – Jesus loves the little children of the world”
It’s wisdom and maturity that are trademarks for us who embrace and appreciate that which is different from ourselves. Being confident of our spiritual worth, simply allows us to honor difference in others without being afraid – in other words – ‘honoring you will not diminish me.
We believe when we honor others and their gifts, that yes – we’re empowered to use our God-given gifts to benefit all His people.
So – in our effort to all get along – let’s make tolerance, the first baby step that will lead to acceptance. Tolerance of that which is different is a far cry from celebrating our diversity, for yes – as we celebrate today we can simply see, that no – ethnic difference is not threatening, for yes – in our lives that which seems overwhelming and impossible – is possible with God
Broken relationships can be healed, racial divides can be bridged, and yes – illnesses can be cured. For whenever He does the impossible – i’s always time to celebrate.
So yes, we start today with Cinco de Mayo, and yes – we keep that party spirit going – celebrating family, friends and freedom – while all the while – staying grateful for our common ground as well as our differences.
We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28
#lovewinsperiod#mindsetmatters#lovelikejesus#LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #prayingforgrandaddy #prayingforbabywyatt #prayingforkaetsarmy #unspokenprayerrequest