Friends .. I’ve been pondering around all morning in awe of just how awesome God truly is .. haha .. and yes .. thinking about  how we need to take the time on this beautiful day .. and yes .. each and every  day to follow .. haha .. to simply .. let God encourage us to meditate on the small miracles of life .. you know .. things like  ..  enthusiasm .. courage … love .. and yes .. appreciation .. these simple and practical acts of mercy and compassion .. for friends .. this is simply .. the way to encourage others .. and yes .. to make a difference in our own little corner of the world in which we live .. which in turn .. totally enables us to say yes to the deepest prompting of our heart  .. haha .. and yes .. to create a life that nurtures our very own soul .. for friends .. it’s love in action .. and yes .. as we all know ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Dear children .. let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth”



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